The Anatomy of B2B Success
In late 2016 we ran an event in London to share some of our experiences of building large-scale B2B Ecommerce platforms for our clients. This experience has encouraged us to create a series of events, webinars, briefings and digital content dedicated to all aspects of digital commerce in the B2B space under the tag of The Anatomy of B2B Success.
On the 6th of December, we were involved in our first webinar with Magento on the same topic. We ran the webinar with our client Brymec, who you can read all about on our case study, and Peter Sheldon, a former Forrester Analyst and now VP of Strategy for Magento. For as long as I’ve known Peter he’s taken a particular interest in the application of Magento in the B2B space and has been leading the thinking around B2B applications, use cases and the role of Ecommerce in these relationships and transactions.
The webinar took the format of a state of the nation for B2B Ecommerce by Peter, who looked at emerging trends, distributor and manufacturer engagement and B2B specific use cases and user contexts. I then did a Q&A with Brymec, charting their experiences of a platform development project and how they have embraced digital as a point differentiation amongst their competition and in their industry.
If you missed out on the Webinar you can catch up here
As a follow-on to the webinar, we are running our next B2b Ecommerce event in Manchester on the 31st of January in conjunction with Dotmailer and Magento. It will encompass leading-edge content from experienced digital practitioners in the B2B space to help attendees understand through first-hand experiences
The multifaceted nature of the B2B e-Commerce opportunity
Tales from the frontline: The Anatomy of an Ecommerce development project
Context Driven Commerce and its importance in B2B
How to grow sales through smart marketing automation
Registration is now open for this event, which is limited to 60 attendees. You can sign up on our event page.